Thank you for attending the 2021
PCPO Early Childhood Conference
Parenting and teaching can be HARD.
During a pandemic, it can feel IMPOSSIBLE.
PCPO is here to offer a LIFE KIT.
This year's annual Early Childhood Conference features workshop packages designed to support YOU.

The virtual conference will feature:
Learning from the comfort of your home - all workshops will be held on zoom
Interactive workshops - to allow for participation and Q&A
Varied workshop times over the course of two weeks - to meet the demands of working and parenting
Continuing education documentation - all participants will receive certificates of attendance
**Attendees are responsible for submitting certificates to their occupational regulatory bodies; PCPO cannot guarantee acceptance of professional clock hours for all occupations.
Workshop Packages!
Let PCPO simplify your registration! From January 19 to February 13, workshops are available only in packages: Your registration will include three workshops united by a common theme. With one click, select the package that's right for you!
Don't see exactly the combination you're looking for? "Pick-Your-Three" begins on February 14: Package registration will no longer be available, and participants may select any combination of three workshops.
**Please note: The Pick-Your-Three option will incur a $10 increase AND not all workshops are guaranteed to be available separately.
Package Registration: January 19 - February 13
PCPO Member Sponsor School: $35
PCPO Member School (Non Sponsor) & Alumni: $45
General Public: $69
Pick-Your-Three Registration: February 14 - February 28:
PCPO Member Sponsor School: $45
PCPO Member School (Non Sponsor) & Alumni: $55
General Public: $79
Attendance is first come, first served, with a maximum of 95 participants per workshop.
No refunds.
Early Bird BONUS Workshop!
The first 95 conference registrants will receive a bonus fourth workshop: "Preschoolers, Private Parts, and Playmates: Sexual Behavior in Young Children" with Amy Lang of Birds and Bees and Kids. This workshop is available only to the first 95 registrants and not for separate purchase, so register early! The bonus workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 13, 9:00-10:30am, and does not conflict with any other conference offerings.
See workshop descriptions below schedule
Thursday, March 4, 7:00-8:30pm

Saturday, March 6, 9:00-10:30am

Tuesday, March 9, 7:00-8:30pm

Thursday, March 11, 7:00-8:30pm

Saturday, March 13, 9:00-10:30am

Tuesday, March 16, 7:00-8:30pm
Thursday, March 18, 7:00-8:30pm

TA1: Observation & Assessment: How Does Taking Time to Look Closer, Attune to Children's Work, and Document What Is Being Seen Promote Quality Assessment?
What observation tools do you use in your classroom? Where are you struggling with capturing what is happening on the individual and group level? What forms of standard and non-standard assessment are working and not working for you as an educator? At Mentor Graphics we have developed observation and assessment practices, tools and strategies that can be applied for any age range and school. Explore this important aspect of Early Childhood Education so together we can influence our practices in positive directions!
OR Set Two/OA; WA Level Two/III
Amanda Jewart, Transition Program Coordinator, Mentor Graphics Child Development Center
Saturday, 3/6/21, 9:00-10:30am
TA2: Growth Mindset: A Framework for Child Development (Part 1 of 2)
How does a growth mindset apply to children’s socio-emotional, cognitive and secure attachment development in early childhood? Apply the latest brain science on mindset and motivation to help children master developmental milestones, develop their gifts and abilities, create a positive mental mode, and build secure attachment. With peer support, develop a plan to bring the growth mindset research alive in your classroom to transform developmental challenges, optimize children’s brains for life-long learning, and help students develop a trust in themselves and their teachers.
OR Set Two/HGD; WA Level Two/I
Megan Barella, MS Conflict Resolution, BA English Education (7-12)
Thursday, 3/11/21, 7:00-8:30pm
TA3: Growth Mindset: A Framework for Child Development (Part 2 of 2)
How does a growth mindset apply to children’s socio-emotional, cognitive and secure attachment development in early childhood? Apply the latest brain science on mindset and motivation to help children master developmental milestones, develop their gifts and abilities, create a positive mental mode, and build secure attachment. With peer support, develop a plan to bring the growth mindset research alive in your classroom to transform developmental challenges, optimize children’s brains for life-long learning, and help students develop a trust in themselves and their teachers.
OR Set Two/HGD; WA Level Two/I
Megan Barella, MS Conflict Resolution, BA English Education (7-12)
Thursday, 3/18/21, 7:00-8:30pm
TB1: Overwhelmed Outside? Making Outdoor Early Learning Possible and Positive for Everyone
It can feel overwhelming to think about spending more time, rain or shine, outdoors, but we know that it’s what kids need. This workshop will help educators to adapt their indoor practices to an outdoor space while addressing concerns about weather, families, meeting learning standards, and keeping children engaged.
OR Set Two/LEC; WA Level Two/II
Rachel Franz (she/her), MEd Early Childhood Education, B.A. Environmental Studies w/ honors, Certified Simplicity Parenting Family Life Coach, WA State-Approved Trainer
Thursday, 3/4/21, 7:00-8:30pm
TB2: Engaging Young Minds: Laying a Foundation for Inquiry Approaches through the Arts and Sciences (Part 1 of 2)
Inquiry Approaches are built on fundamental belief in the competence of children to think, imagine, and create. Acknowledging children’s competence fosters essential Habits of Mind, related to school achievement and lifelong learning. This session explores beliefs about children, the implications of beliefs, and strategies to align learning environments and practices, engaging young learners, and illuminating their competence and strength.
OR Set Two/HGD, LEC; WA Level Two/I, II
Erin Dunn Moulton, MAT
Tuesday, 3/9/21, 7:00-8:30pm
TB3: Engaging Young Minds: Laying a Foundation for Inquiry Approaches through the Arts and Sciences (Part 2 of 2)
Inquiry Approaches are built on fundamental belief in the competence of children to think, imagine, and create. Acknowledging children’s competence fosters essential Habits of Mind, related to school achievement and lifelong learning. This session explores beliefs about children, the implications of beliefs, and strategies to align learning environments and practices, engaging young learners, and illuminating their competence and strength.
OR Set Two/HGD, LEC; WA Level Two/I, II
Erin Dunn Moulton, MAT
Tuesday, 3/16/21, 7:00-8:30pm
PA1: Activate Zero Waste at Home!
Join this interactive, fun session to learn a variety of easy, cost-effective ways to produce less garbage and reduce your earth impact. Presenter Sam Wilder offers twenty-four years of experience in the environmental field. This action-packed class will offer a variety of zero waste tips and strategies for your whole household on cooking, cleaning, crafting, shopping, and daily living. Resources covered during this session will be sent via email to attendees afterwards. (Please note: This session will not be recorded.)
OR Set One/PPLD; WA Level One/VIII
Sam Wilder, President, Wilder Environmental Consulting
Saturday, 3/6/21, 9:00-10:30am
PA2: Mindfulness & Emotional Resilience
Mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, helping us to find the calm center in the storm of life. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn about the research behind the practice and come away with some simple tools to use at work and home.
OR Set One/PPLD; WA Level One/VIII
Teresa Johnson, BA, Certified Mindfulness Teacher
Tuesday, 3/9/21, 7:00-8:30pm
PA3: Reset vs. Pause: Maximizing Your Self Care
Many of the activities we define as self care end up being a pause in our daily lives vs. an actual reset that makes lasting change. In this workshop, you will learn how to use the power of your nervous system to redefine self care. You will walk away with the knowledge of how to design a self care plan of your own that is sustainable.
OR Set One/PPLD; WA Level One/VIII
Lara Levine, MOT, OTR/L
Tuesday, 3/16/21, 7:00-8:30pm
PB1: Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid During Estate Planning
You would think that high-profile individuals with substantial and varied assets, often-complex family lives, and a team of high-powered advisors at their disposal would have their estate plan buttoned up. That’s not the case. Celebrities often make the same mistakes we do. And we can learn from them and prevent making the same errors in our own planning. See what they forgot to think about and what they thought they addressed, but actually didn't. Michelle-Shari Kruss, Krusslaw PC, an estate planning attorney, past Arthur Andersen Consultant, and Juvenile Court Judge, will offer an entertaining look at what not to do when setting up our own estate plans. By examining the mistakes made by some of the most well-known celebrities - from Michael Jackson to John F. Kennedy, Sr. and Jr. - this class will guide participants toward making a successful estate plan while highlighting many common pitfalls that we can easily avoid once we know what they are.
OR Set One/PM; WA Level One/VIII
Michelle-Shari Kruss, Attorney at Law, Certificate in Dispute Resolution, Past Juvenile Peer Court Judge, Author
Thursday, 3/4/21, 7:00-8:30pm
PB2: Parenting in the Pandemic: Creating Moments of Joy
In this workshop we will look at some tips and strategies to manage the stress of living in and thru a pandemic while also exploring the need for, and way to find, joy for ourselves and our children. Joy is different than fun, as it connects not just with a moment but with our most basic need to connect, play, and have choice. Let’s find ways to experience and learn about how we can bring or sustain consistent joy in our lives with our families.
OR Set One/UGB ; WA Level One/VI
Diana S Cutaia, MA
Thursday, 3/11/21, 7:00-8:30pm
PB3: Caregiver Support: Survive to Thrive
Parents! You have had to play so many roles this past year - from caregiver, teacher, social playmate, to referee (to name a few). Supporting the health of little ones can be draining and fatiguing. Our kids have so many needs and the world around us has changed before our eyes. Our hope for this workshop is that you will be seen, validated and supported. We will share how stress impacts children and adults differently, and strategies for reducing stress response within both yourself and your littles. We offer practical tools around creating safety amidst uncertainty and a space to exhale and be encouraged.
OR Set One/FCS; WA Level One/IV
Vanessa Washington, Licensed Professional Counselor, Adjunct Professor Concordia University (Child & Adolescent Development)
Thursday, 3/18/21, 7:00-8:30pm
TOG1: Sign Language Beginner Basics for Early Literacy, Inclusion, (and Fun!)
School-aged kids view American Sign Language/ASL as a secret code to unlock, preschoolers embrace signing with the same enthusiasm reserved for treasured finger plays, and many babies born today will learn to sign before they can talk. Discover the benefits and ease of incorporating ASL signs into activities and interactions with children of all ages/abilities, with special emphasis on practical techniques that support routine transitions, guide positive behavior, and enrich literacy/early literacy experiences. Learn how ASL can create opportunities for shared understanding through introductory conversations about diversity and inclusion and when there are multiple spoken languages in the learning community.
OR Set One/SN; WA Level One/II
Dawn Prochovnic, MA
Saturday, 3/6/21, 9:00-10:30am
**Find Dawn's books here!
TOG2: Creating Anti-Racist Reading Libraries and Experiences
In this workshop, we will offer a framework, resources, and lesson plans to support the efforts of parents and teachers in starting or expanding anti-racist, anti-bias home or classroom libraries. Using the work of Reading as Resistance as home base, we will discuss how these libraries can seed deeper conversations and opportunities for action around racial equity in our community. And we'll explore the way cultivating our imaginations can help us to envision new possibilities for the world we're in today.
OR Set One/DIV, LEC; WA Level One/II
Zapoura Newton-Calvert, Senior Instructor II & Co-Founder of Reading Is Resistance PDX, Portland State University
Tuesday, 3/9/21, 7:00-8:30pm
Gender Diversity: Understanding Transgender and Gender Diverse Children
While societal awareness is increasing, most teachers, administrators, and support staff are understandably at a loss for how to address the needs of transgender students and their families. Beyond these needs, it can definitely feel like uncharted terrain when considering how to address the questions or concerns originating from parents of other students as well as questions from the students themselves. In this presentation, we will explore these and other questions:
What do you do if you feel you have a transgender student in your class?
How can a child be transgender? Aren’t they too young to know? Shouldn't they wait until puberty?
What if this is a phase? They seem pretty confused. Are they just trying to get attention?
How do I talk to children about this in ways that are age-appropriate? How is this different than being gay? I hardly know what it means to be transgender, what do they mean by genderqueer, pansexual, asexual, non-binary, and gender fluid?
Students have questions. How do I differentiate between basic inquisitiveness and more aggressive teasing? What should be done to address these and other situations?
What about bathrooms, locker rooms, overnight trips, sports and other gender-segregated spaces?
How do I respectfully respond if a parent has concerns or objections?
What are my school’s legal obligations?
How do I handle potential teasing or bullying from other children?
Join gender education specialist Aidan Key in examining the topic of gender diversity in children and teens, the challenges faced by these children, youth, and their families, exploring current research, and identifying the best approaches for creating an inclusive, supportive environment for the entire school community.
OR Set One/HGD; WA Level One/I
Aidan Key, Speaker, Educator, Author, Organizer, and Founder of the Gender Odyssey Conference
Tuesday, 3/16/21, 7:00-8:30pm
Preschoolers, Private Parts and Playmates: Sexual Behavior in Young Children
Preschoolers are naturally curious about bodies – their friends’ and their own. They also love potty talk and aren’t shy about nudity. When you know what kinds of sexual behaviors in young children are typical and common and how to kindly and gently correct their behavior, kids easily learn about body boundaries.
OR Set One/HGD; WA Level One/I
Amy Lang, MA
Saturday, 3/13/21, 9:00-10:30am
Set One: Introductory level training
Set Two: Intermediate level training
Letter Codes refer to Core Knowledge Categories:
Level One: Foundations and basic knowledge
Level Two: Includes level 1 plus the knowledge and skills comparable to a Child Development Associate credential, a certificate in child development, or training/education
Roman Numerals refer to Core Competencies:
DIV – Diversity
FCS – Families & Community Systems
HSN – Health, Safety & Nutrition
HGD – Human Growth & Development
LEC – Learning Environments & Curriculum
OA – Observation & Assessment
PPLD – Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
PM – Program Management
SN – Special Needs
UGB – Understanding & Guiding Behavior
I – Child Growth and Development
II – Curriculum and Learning Environment
III – Ongoing Measurement of Child Progress
IV – Families and Community Partnerships
V – Health, Safety, and Nutrition
VI – Interactions
VII – Program Planning and Development
VIII – Professional Development and Leadership